Perfect Hunter Recruitment Co., Ltd.

Perfect Hunter Recruitment Co., Ltd. is a leader in recruitment and selection services to top leading companies. The firm is licensed to provide jobs based in Thailand under the Recruitment and Job Seekers Protection Act B.E.2528, we have earned the trust of customers for over 10 years with a team of experts and consultants under the slogan "Perfect Job for Perfect life". Perfect Hunter Recruitment Co., Ltd.

DEMAND & SUPPLY PLANNER (P05) Ploenchit Area

Demand Planning
Gather and analyze all data relevant to creating sales forecast (historical data, seasonality, promotions, sales performance, and inventory level).
Provide consistent analysis of the forecast accuracy
Work closely with marketing team to accurately forecast trends, plan product range and promotion.
• Lead and coordinate the demand planning process
• Build a consistent baseline forecast using modeling and the input of marketing and sales
• Challenge the forecast of marketing and sales on launch and promotion
Responsible to generate delivery plan forecasting by SKU under agreed stock level and monitor sales against contract to minimize any gap.
Utilize a collaborative and consensus approach by working with sales, marketing and finance to obtain and ensure that current and accurate information is used for demand forecasts
Supply Planning
Ensure the delivery of the right product at the right time
Maintain, revise and ensure the quality of the supply variants (stock cover days, safety stock, lead-time)
Manage and be responsible of the monthly supply plan (procurement)
Follow closely the actual supply and alert if any risk
Take the proper actions to prevent shortage
Monitor the stock KPI: stock value, stock days, inventory quality
• Take the necessary actions to reduce slow moving and obsolete
Inventory Management
Make recommended adjustments to forecast and inventory targets based on changes in demand and market trends.
Manage inventory targets (including safety stock levels) that are approved by management.
Prepare, report, and communicate forecast and inventory measurements to management (forecast accuracy, inventory plan vs. targets).
Monitor SKU levels and recommend SKU rationalization initiatives in the future.
Identify risks/opportunities by SKUs ,by brand and by customers
Support marketing, sales team in specific sales information, and sales management team in providing sales performance data for management review
1 อัตรา
40 - 50 K บาท
แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน จังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร
1. Thai Nationality, age between 30 - 36 years old
2. Bachelor’s degree or higher in Finance, Business or Economics
3. Minimum 3 years of experience in roles & responsibilities related to Demand & Supply Planning
4. Good command both written and spoken English.
5. Good knowledge of excel is a plus and good calculating skills
6. Managerial and analytical skills
7. Having experience in Oracle or SAP
8. ติดต่อ : Khun Jay โทร : 02-671-1150 ต่อ17 or 061-387-5793
Social security
Company uniform
Provident fund
Life Insurance
Medical Insurance
ส่งใบสมัครทาง E-mail
ส่งใบสมัครทางไปรษณีย์ มาที่บริษัท จัดหางาน เพอร์เฟค ฮันเตอร์ จำกัด

**รบกวนขอประวัติอย่างละเอียดและรบกวนแนบรูปถ่ายด้วยค่ะ (เพื่อเป็นประโยชน์ในการพิจารณาสัมภาษณ์อันดับแรก)

Please send your CV English version and Picture by Email.

Please send your application in English only!!
02-671-1990 ต่อ 13-19,02-671-1150 ต่อ 13-19, 081-345-8760
51 ถนนรัชดาภิเษก (ซอยพระราม 3 ที่ 78 ) แขวงคลองเตย เขตคลองเตย กรุงเทพมหานคร  10110
พิมพ์   |   ปิดหน้านี้ (23 ก.พ. 2568)