Marketing Engineer
*Takes responsible for each industry to maintain and develop industry revenue such as Automotive,
Food/Beverage/Packaging, Construction Material, OEM, SI, Factory Utility, Commercial Building
and Electrical Contractor
*Market research and analysis
*Planning, manage, control and evaluate industry activities and event plan
*Build up marketing material for sales team such as presentation, website and magazine contents,
Leaflet and DEMO sales tools to target customers
*Build up marketing campaign to target customers such as email, direct mail, SEO&SEM, In-house
&In-factory &In-hotel seminar, exhibition and road show
อัตรา 2
เงินเดือน 35,000 - 40,000 baht + incentive 60,000 baht/Quarter
บริษัท คอมโพแม็ก จำกัด
จังหวัด กรุงเทพมหานคร คลองเตย วัฒนา
วันที่ 24 มี.ค. 2568