Sales Engineer 40-60K Japanese Skill N3 ปฏิบัติงานกิ่งแก้ว
- Responds to Japanese customer inquiries (inside) in areas not covered by distributors.
- Receives, qualifies and distributes customer inquiries received through direct sources.
- Responsible for the implementation and maintenance of all aspects of the Sales related functions of the
business information system.
- Creates, implements and maintains technical information on product line and applications using materials
supplied by other functional areas.
- Creates and modifies as required the proposal and Sales quotation structure for each product and service.
- Prepares quotes using information provided by the Product Dept and Engineering Dept.
- Establishes and maintains price lists, customer data base, and installed machine data base by working closely
with Product/Segment Managers and Marketing Planning Manager.
- Develops and maintains a computerized reporting system of Sales calls, orders, distributor activity, lost orders, etc.
- Supports the Manager in preparing routine and complex customer orders, routing or responding to sensitive
correspondence, and following up on internal sales matters
- Initiates appropriate follow-up action for customers and distributors at the request of Sales and Product/Segment Managers.
- Develops and maintains systems for tracking and reporting commission payments to distributors and Sales associates.
- Develops and maintains procedure for initiating customer orders into the operations cycle. Produce clear, timely,
and thorough Order Package for each customer order.
- Perform other duties as assigned
** สนใจส่ง Resume English Version มาที่ **
อัตรา 1
เงินเดือน 40,000 - 60,000 บาท
บริษัท แมนพาวเวอร์ จำกัด (สาขาบางนา)
จังหวัด สมุทรปราการ
วันที่ 10 มี.ค. 2568